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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 福建省 漳州 龙文区 步文镇 步文村 漳华路508号
  • 姓名: 张立全
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:能源 润滑油
  • 发布日期:2024-02-26
  • 阅读量:199
  • 价格:3600.00 元/桶 起
  • 产品规格:208L
  • 产品数量:3600.00 桶
  • 包装说明:钢桶
  • 发货地址:福建漳州龙文区步文镇步文村  
  • 关键词:宁德市美孚导轨油经销,宁德市美孚导热油批发商,宁德机床导轨油经销商,宁德导热油批发商销售,宁德哪有导轨油销售


    宁德市蕉城区、东侨经济技术开发区 、福安市、福鼎市、霞浦县、古田县、屏南县、寿宁县、周宁县、柘荣县美孚工业导轨油,美孚工业导热油批发商销售 137-9982-0453 张先生
    美孚威达?数字系列产品推荐作为机床导轨系统的润滑使用。 其设计配方可在铸铁、钢和非金属导轨材料的组合中使用。 美孚威达?数字系列可通过手动、强制润滑器或循环系统的灌注应用。 它们也适用于机床内部的中等负荷液压系统和齿轮构造。
    美孚威达?数字系列产品适用于需要满足 Cincinnati Machine 规格 P53、P47 和 P50 的应用。
    美孚威达? 1号和2号油的推荐领域是小至中型机床的水平滑道。 它们也适用于大型机械的循环系统以及作为中型液压机液体使用。
    美孚威达? 3号和4号油通常用于导轨压力高和精度要求高的大型机械。 它们也被推荐用于垂直和倾斜滑道,因为在此类滑道中润滑剂容易流失,以及中型机床的齿轮传动机构。
     High quality guide and chute lubricating oil
    Mobil vectra ? digital series for quality guide rail lubricating oil, specially prepared, to meet the accuracy of precision machine tools, water-soluble coolant separability and equipment protection requirements.
    This series of unique additive formula, can provide all kinds of guide rail materials, including steel and steel materials and steel and polymer materials provide excellent friction performance, help reduce the stick - sliding phenomenon, improve machine productivity and accuracy.
    Special protection
    Mobil vectra ? digital series by the special research and development and preparation, aims to meet the strict requirements of guide rail, provide special protection for equipment. These excellent guide lubricants can provide superior performance and are worthy of your trust.
    Application scope:
    Mobil vectra ? digital series products are recommended as the machine tool guideway system lubrication. Its design formula can be used in the combination of cast iron, steel and non-metal guide materials. Mobil vectra ? digital series can be manually, forced lubrication device or application of perfusion circulation system. They also apply to medium - load hydraulic system and gear structure inside the machine tool.
    Mobil vectra ? digital series products are suitable for the need to satisfy the Cincinnati P53, the application of P47 and P50 Machine specifications.
    Mobil vectra ? to the recommendations of the no. 1 and no. 2 oil field is a small to medium-sized machine of horizontal slide. They are also suitable for large mechanical circulation systems as well as liquid for medium hydraulic presses.
    Mobil vectra ? 3 and 4 oil is often used to guide high pressure and high accuracy requirement of heavy machinery. They are also recommended for vertical and slant slides because of the easy loss of lubricants in this type of slipway, as well as the gear drive mechanism of medium machine tools.
    Mobil vectra ? digital series can be used for the lubrication of ball screw, linear guide rail, spindle box, horizontal screw
    Mobil vectra ? digital series is recommended for water-soluble coolant for application field of oil pollution and shorten its service life
    Advantages and potential benefits:
    Mobil vectra ? digital series products are recommended as the machine tool guideway system lubrication. Its design formula can be used in the combination of cast iron, steel and non-metal guide materials. Mobil vectra ? digital series can be manually, forced lubrication device or application of perfusion circulation system. They also apply to medium - load hydraulic system and gear structure inside the machine tool.
    Mobil vectra ? digital series products are suitable for the need to satisfy the Cincinnati P53, the application of P47 and P50 Machine specifications.
    美孚威达?数字系列产品推荐作为机床导轨系统的润滑使用。 其设计配方可在铸铁、钢和非金属导轨材料的组合中使用。 美孚威达?数字系列可通过手动、强制润滑器或循环系统的灌注应用。 它们也适用于机床内部的中等负荷液压系统和齿轮构造。
    美孚威达?数字系列产品适用于需要满足 Cincinnati Machine 规格 P53、P47 和 P50 的应用。
    美孚威达? 1号和2号油的推荐领域是小至中型机床的水平滑道。 它们也适用于大型机械的循环系统以及作为中型液压机液体使用。
    美孚威达? 3号和4号油通常用于导轨压力高和精度要求高的大型机械。 它们也被推荐用于垂直和倾斜滑道,因为在此类滑道中润滑剂容易流失,以及中型机床的齿轮传动机构。
    欢迎来到漳州市鑫富润商贸有限公司网站, 具体地址是福建省漳州龙文区漳华路508号,联系人是张立全。 主要经营,全国较具规模正式授权美孚壳牌润滑油代理批发公司,公司建有大型仓储设施品种齐全供货及时保证质量薄利多销.面向全国各级客户批发供货!可根据客户的设备情况推荐较适合的润滑油产品。代理壳牌润滑油(SHell)、加德士润滑油(CALTEX)、美孚润滑油(Mobil)、埃索润滑油(Esso) 、BP润滑油等工业润滑油及船舶润滑油。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司供应长城液压油,美孚液压油,壳牌液压油,昆仑液压油,长城齿轮油,美孚齿轮油,我们有大型的仓库和场地,我们还有专业的技术人员,我们公司保证供应给你质量优良的产品!